

Green Swastik Project Pvt Ltd. is a premier civil construction company. The firm has experience in the construction of RCC structures, buildings, industrial structures, sheds, water supply, sanitation, and electrical installations, as well as Civil Engineering projects. Aside from roads, water supply, sewerage, drainage, boundary walls, parks, pools, fountains, etc., the firm also develops sites. As civil contractors, we work for the government as well as independent clients on large-scale projects like SINGRAULI Widening development of the park, development, road drain, and sewerage system, etc. With 14 years of experience in Civil Construction, we are providing services.

In a timely manner, we performed the work assigned to us in accordance with the specifications with a high level of quality and professionalism. We have acquired the experience & expertise needed to handle various building projects & developments. Our core strengths are – utilizing the latest technology and equipment, saving time, controlling budgets better, receiving tailored services, and managing projects better. By selecting us you can expect high-quality work on time.